
  • VISIT of H.E.Evangelina Lourdes Arroyo Bernas to Tirol and Vorarlberg
    • Interesting talks and discussions with Vice-Mayor Georg Willi , LR Mario Gerber, Representatives of travel agencies in the Chamber of commerce (Mag.Kathrein, Ms.Haberl and Ms.Kirchmair from Lampe Reisen), President of the Regional Assembly Vorarlberg Mag.Harald Sonderegger. Thanks to Doppelmayr Urban Railways for an Interesting Company Tour Held by Mr.Pichler. the Ambassador also met representatives of the major FilCom groups in Tirol (Elena Peychär, Joseph de los Reyes and Gre Ann Gre Ann Lorenzo Lener ) and Vorarlberg. Another Highlight was the attendance of the Ambassador to the XMas Party of the Consular Corps in Tirol with CCT president Dr.Pegger and a warm welcome speech of Former Governor DDr.van Staa wirh typical Tyrolean music. We even met Tyrol Governor Anton Mattle for a quick talk on the airport in Innsbruck. Thanks to All that contributed to the success of this Ambassadors visit. Maraming maraming salamat.

  • Derzeit ist eine Visafreie Einreise auf die Philippinen nur für maximal 30 Tage möglich (Stand 5.12.2022) Touristen, welche länger auf den Philippinen bleiben wollen, müssen bei der Botschaft in Wien um ein 59 Tage Visum ansuchen. Dafür ist UNBEDINGT notwenig:
    • Ein- und Ausreiseticket innerhalb der 59 Tage
    • Hotelbuchung bzw. bei privaten Aufenthalt eine beglaubigte Einladung (im Original) jener Person, wo Sie ihren Aufenthalt planen
    • Visagebühr (NEU: 33,-€ für 59 Tage), Einkommensbestätigung
  • WICHTIG: Für die Einreise selbst muss ein e-Arrival Card 72 Std vor arrival auf den Philippinen ausgefüllt werden.
  • LTR-272-2022_travellingPH

  • VISA-ANTRAG: Philippinen_Visaantrag

  • Vortrag  Frühjahr 2021:  POST-COVID Tourism Strategies, Region 7, PH:

    Just presented a survey project on Post-COVID tourism strategies and the tourism situation in Region 7, Philippines. The project was in cooperation with the ECCP and supported by the DOT and DFA, PH and by the Land Tirol, IMAD and the Philippine Consulate in Innsbruck. How could the new way of travelling work? Interesting results to be seen here …………………
    A special Maraming Maraming Salamat to
    – Mag.Florian Gottein, Executive Director of ECCP
    – Undersecretary Benito C. Bengzon Jr., DOT
    – Regional Director Shalimar Hofer Tamano, DOT-Region7
    – Gwen L.Dela Cruz, GM Seda Ayala Cebu, Vice Chair ECCP-Tourism
  • Currently only the Philippine Embassy in Vienna is issuing Visas under the following rules:

  • To all Filipinos in Tirol and Vorarlberg:  The consulate in Innsbruck is currently closed till further information. In case of emergency you can contact the Philippine Embassy in Vienna 01-5332401 or the Philippine Consulate in Innsbruck 0664-2269885.    Together we are strong !!!